++Dixon A.K.A Frost Deliasth

++11 January 1990//

++Drinks,Food,Brothers from another mothers,Bikes and Cars
++Jeopardise his life when he's Bored
++Breaks anything when he's Mad
++A silent angel when he's Sad
++A wide smile when he's Happy

Bold Italic Strike Underline


Random Chats Here!!

Planktons. =x

Expired Krabby Patties

Much Thanks;

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Thanks: Blogskins

Argh ?
Monday, July 6, 2009
5:06 AM

Argh, a Blood clotted eye and I'm sick. AHHHH!!! Damn.. I hate this feeling.

and Baby's sick as well. =( hais... Take care yeah dear. Get well soon.

Resting time! BYE

9 days to TP